EcoStudio Foundation is seeking proposals from organizations that are licensed and authorized to provide in-country services in support of experiential learning programs in Ecuador. Organizations such as Study Abroad Program Administrators or Tour Operators in Ecuador are welcome to send proposals to Marley [at] ecostudiofoundation [dot] com. We are accepting proposals between August, 2023, and January, 2024, for programs beginning in May of 2024. This will be a three year contract. See details below.
EcoStudio Foundation is seeking to contract an organization to administer our experiential learning programs in Ecuador. The organization should be licensed to operate in Ecuador and should have relevant experience supporting traveling students and providing educational content. Our top priorities in offering experimental learning programs are the health, safety and well-being of our participants, staff, and populations in the sites of study. Each of our programs is custom-designed based on learning objectives defined by our partnering institutions of higher learning in the U.S. Organizations wishing to apply should be prepared to offer the following:
• Transportation, including but not limited to: domestic flights, charter boats, private buses, canoes, ferries, water taxis, taxis, airport transfers
• Lodging throughout Ecuador, including but not limited to: hotels, lodges, home stays, charter boats in Galápagos
• Academic, cultural, and nature activities, including but not limited to: orientation, debriefing, lectures, translation, academic classes, guided forest hikes, animal and plant research and observation, research supervision and facilitation, field studies, support services for professors, visits to museums, historic and cultural centers, national parks, etc.
• Management of health and dietary needs, including but not limited to: allergies, pre-existing health issues, mental health support when requested by universities
• Emergency protocol, including but not limited to: doctor/hospital visits, evacuation plans and implementation for local and field sites, immediate communication with universities regarding incidents, communication with family members if approved and requested by university, follow-up documentation and written incident reports where warranted
• Program design and development for faculty-led and semester programs
• Curriculum support when necessary
• Program staffing
• Budget development
Please send proposals to Marley [at] ecostudiofoundation [dot] org. Your proposal should include relevant experience, learning objectives or organizing statements, list of key staff and expertise, and other pertinent information.