As our literary imprint, River Glass Books is organized to foster and support a culture of sustainability in the arts, contribute to the protection and preservation of the world’s most crucial ecosystems, and advocate for the rights of the people whose lives and land are endangered by environmental threats.
We believe that just and equitable solutions to the climate crisis are only possible by undoing historic systems of inequity and dispossession, and that the current flux of the world presents, among deep and myriad tragedy, the opportunity for positive change. River Glass Books will seek to be a vehicle for this change, as the press organizes its operations to directly invest in communities on the front lines of the climate crisis and grass-roots conservation efforts.

Apart from the writing it houses, we believe the book itself—from the way it’s produced, marketed, and sold, to those who benefit from its sale—can be a tool for achieving social and environmental justice.
We strive to create ways for all writers and readers to participate meaningfully in environmental conservation through their work, even if they don’t call themselves environmentalists (yet).
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