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Thank you for your interest in EcoStudio Foundation. We support conservation and sustainable development through programs in education and the arts. EcoStudio Foundation is a non-profit, non-stock corporation with tax-exempt status as a public charity under 501(c)(3) of the US Revenue Code. We are incorporated in Delaware, and our principal business office is in New York, New York.

Connect with us for more news and updates on the following platforms:
Instagram (@ecostudiofoundation); X (@ecostudiofound); Facebook; and LinkedIn


Our mission is to unite conservation, education, and the arts for a more just world. We pledge to support conservation efforts in the world’s most crucial ecosystems and advocate for the rights of those whose lands and lives are endangered by environmental threats.

We advance this mission through our Global Learning programs, including faculty-led study abroad in Ecuador for US students, and through the publication of literary and artistic material by our imprint, River Glass Books.


Our work would not be possible without the extraordinary efforts of partnering institutions. We collaborate with Quito-based Andean Study Programs and Fundación EcoMinga to develop global learning programs that contribute to the protection of threatened Andean forests. We work with Mandari Panga Yasuní Jungle Expeditions to support social development and other climate justice solutions in the Ecuadorian Amazon basin.


Alumni Council

Members include alumni of our programs who have a special passion for conservation, education, and the arts. The Alumni Council meets annually to review reports of our work and advise the board on our projects and impact.

Maya Azevedo
Gabriela Hochster
Luanga Junior Kasanga
Emily King-Nobles

Beatriz Cintra Mariano Rebello
Melanie Roberts
Otto Schmidt

Management Team

Marley Stuart
Executive Director

Lori Swanson Espinoza
Director of Global Learning

Chris Kay
Independent Contractor: Program Development

Emma Timbers
Office Manager

Board of Directors

Lori Swanson Espinoza

Marley Stuart

Natalia Espinoza

Mary Abbruzzese

Financial Reports

In the interest of full transparency, we make our tax returns available to the public on our site, available for download here. For any other information, please contact us.